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I was cold pitched on Linkedin yesterday


I was cold pitched in a DM on Likedin yesterday but...

I didn't get all arsey and go on a rant. I drew a lesson from the experience that you can all use to make more sales.

A familiar story on Linkedin.

I commented on a post.

We engaged.

A connection request was sent by one of us.

A few questions back and forth and then came an offer to work with the other person out of the blue.

The thing is the offer was pretty doomed to fail because it had not uncovered any need for me to work with the other person.

And I don't want you to fall into this trap.

I give my clients the SPIR formula for transitioning short conversations to calls and clients. If the other person had used that frame work the results may have been different.

The Framework is this:

+ Situation
+ Problem
+ Impact
+ Results or Idea offer

Let me give you an example to bring it to life:

In a conversation, I might ask: "What's working for you to win new clients?" which is the Sitiuation question.

And through experience I know there are only a few answers people give me and for this example let's choose "Referrals"

It's reliant on me to try to uncover known or unknown problems associated with a current course of action. In this case I may ask one of these Problem questions:

+ Does that provide you with prospects at the right seniority in the business?
+ Does that provide the predictability of new revenue?
+ Does that provide you with the deal sizes you are looking for?

And it's beholden on me to use my situational fluency to question more around these answers. I could use a simple transition bridge to the Impact like these:

+ Thanks for the answer, I thought that may be the case. I’m curious – what does that mean for you right now?
+ I hear that a lot. Thanks. I’m curious – what’s the implication if it carries on that way?

And that conversation can lead to me making an offer. And my offer can be on 2 levels:

1) IDEAS: Thanks for being so open with me. I have a few new ideas that may help solving that problem. Are you open to hearing them?


2) RESULTS: Thanks - I thought that may be the case. I have a few proven systems that will help you get lead generation nailed immediately and then proactively go out and win your next 5 consulting clients [THE GOAL], without relying on a REFERRALS, writing a book or even spending hours pecking away on Linkedin. Would you be open to taking a look?

In the cold pitch to me yesterday there was no bridge built. No depth to the questions. No exploration.

Just some situation questions and a pitch when I hadn't even expressed any dissatisfaction.

Don't be shallow in your questioning skills if you want to increase your opportunities and revenue.

Question everything.

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