
The only resource you need to grow your Consulting Revenue & Profit.

"This sounds great, but we don't need it right now"

Have you heard --- "This sounds great, but we don't need it right now." from a prospect recently?

Too often Consultants create programs that solve problems the market just aren't willing to pay for which impacts your ability to generate revenue and make a positive impact to the market.

I've developed an easy to run process to eradicate that position and it's called Client Insight Interviews.

These are structured conversations with a target prospect group that is representative of the market you want to serve, to discover and validate problems and pains, as well as validate your initial offer assumptions.

I didn't invent this process. I just appropriated it and made it relevant to consultants. As Cindy Alvarez said in Lean Customer Development:

"For each hour of customer development interviews, businesses tend to save 5 to 10 to 20 hours of wasted development time" — Cindy Alvarez, Lean Customer Development Author’


‘For each hour of customer insight interviews, businesses tend to save 20 - 50 hours of wasted marketing and sales time’. — Me

For the full article see my latest Linkedin newsletter that's just gone live follow the link below:

If you are feeling that your offer needs to be reinvigerated then this might just be the solution.

Head on over and leave a comment. It'll mean a lot to me

The only resource you need to grow your Consulting Revenue & Profit.

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